الوثائق الفلسطينية
ترجمة اقتراح الهدنة من قبل أحمد يوسف

"هذه ترجمة ""ملخص اقتراح لخلق الظروف المناسبة لإنهاء الصراع"" الذي يبين اقتراح الهدنة. ويفصل الاقتراح المسؤولية الإسرائيلية والفلسطينية والدولية."

آخر تحديث:

The following is an unofficial translation of the Hudna proposal prepared by Ahmad Yousef, the political advisor of PM Ismail Haniya.


Summary of a proposal to create the right conditions to end the conflict


  1.   Israel?s withdrawal from the West Bank to an agreed temporary line.
  2.   Five year long Hudna (truce), i.e. no Palestinian attacks will be launched inside Israel, nor against the Israelis wherever they are, and no Israeli attacks will be launched on Palestinian land, nor against the Palestinians wherever they are.
  3.   Israel will not take any steps to change the status quo in the territories that were not under Israeli control on 4 June 1967.  No new housing units will be built in settlements, and no new roads will be built or changes made to the green zones.
  4.   Palestinian free entry to East Jerusalem, and also the ability to move freely in the rest of the occupied West Bank.
  5.   Freedom of travel from Gaza to the West Bank (and vise versa), and also to Jordan and Egypt.
  6.   International monitoring, i.e. a violation of points (1-5) will be considered a violation of the Hudna.


The Logical Premise

This Hudna forms a period in which the atmosphere between Israelis and Palestinians are softened in order to proceed with practical and serious steps to establish two viable states that live side by side in the future.  This five year Hudna will be considered a period of serious preparation towards reaching a permanent peace agreement with Israel.

This Hudna will give the Palestinian and Israeli peoples a chance to trust each other and investigate future opportunities.  If the Hudna succeeds, it will make the Islamic world give the Palestinian government larger margin of freedom to explore ways of resolving the conflict with Israel permanently.


Post Hudna Palestinian vision is represented in establishing a Palestinian state on all the Palestinian land occupied in 1967 with East Jerusalem as its capital, whilst maintaining the principle of the right to return.


Immediate Objective

End the ongoing military confrontation, including attacks by Palestinians and Israelis against each other, and also lift the international economic and political isolation on the Palestinian government.  This will help the Palestinian people build its own economy and achieve prosperity.


Palestinian Responsibility

  1.   Respect the Hudna, which will:
    1.  Last for five years.
    2.  Commit all Palestinian factions.
    3.  Apply to all of Israel and the Palestinian territories occupied in 1967.
  2.   Cease all forms of armed activity inside Israel, and stop targeting Israelis wherever they are.
  3.   Facilitate the establishment of Joint Israeli ? Palestinian economic projects and zones (industrial, agricultural, … etc) between Gaza, the West Bank and Israel.
  4.   Continue with normal trade relations with the Israelis.
  5.   Guarantee that all international funding is directed towards government activities and projects, and not to Hamas movement.  For this purpose, the government will form an independent economic council comprising Palestinian academics and professionals who will work and report directly to the international community.  This council will monitor the use of government funds and ascertain that the government respects international outlines.
  6.   Submit transparent reports about funds coming from Arab and Islamic sources which must go directly to the Ministry of Finance.
  7.   Submit any required security guarantees in return for the freedom of movement and trade with the rest of the world (similar to those enforced at Rafah Crossing Point).
  8.   Complete abidance by international standards in regard to democracy, rule of law and good governance.
  9.   Full respect of the applicable international law, including Geneva conventions.


Israeli Responsibility

  1.   Respect Hudna, which will:
    1.   Last for five years.
    2.   Be respected by all Israeli forces and security apparatuses.
    3.   Be implemented on all Israel and the Palestinian land occupied in 1967.
  2.   Cease all forms of military action inside the Palestinian land occupied in 1967, assassinations against Palestinians wherever they are in the world, and remove all military checkpoints inside the Palestinian land occupied in 1967.
  3.   Freeze all Israeli construction work (settlements, roads, schools, … etc) outside the area controlled by Israel on 4 June 1967, including the wall.
  4.   Release all political detainees.
  5.   Ensure freedom of movement and trade between Gaza, West Bank, the occupied Palestinian land and the outside world.
  6.   Allow the re-construction of Gaza international airport and the port (according to previous agreements), and also the airport in the West Bank (Qalandia airport).
  7.   Allow free access by West Bank and Gaza Strip residents to East Jerusalem, and also the free access of Palestinians who hold Jerusalem identity cards to the West Bank and Gaza Strip, with protection of their identity cards and their free participation in the Palestinian political life.
  8.   Establish joint Palestinian ? Israeli economic projects and zones (industrial, agricultural, … etc) between Gaza, West Bank and Israel, and guarantee Palestinian workers? access to the Israeli labor market.
  9.   Full respect of the enforced international law, including Geneva conventions.


The Role of the International Community

The international community shall act to maintain the Hudna, and will contribute to building confidence between the two sides.  The international community will also play a role in preventing any malfunction in the implementation of previous agreements.


For this purpose, a multi-national force led by the Quartet and Turkey will be formed with a duty to monitor the two sides? abidance by the conditions of the Hudna, and also the provision of security guarantees.  The multi-national force shall facilitate, assist and guarantee the implementation of the agreement, resolution of disputes related to it and take punitive measures when it is violated.


Regular reports will be submitted to the Security Council about the two sides? respect of all aspects of the Hudna.





عن وحدة الشفافية

تشكلت وحدة الجزيرة للشفافية (كشاف الجزيرة) بهدف حث جمهور الجزيرة في العالم العربي وخارجه على تقديم جميع اشكال المواد التي ربما تساعد على مكافحة الفساد ونشر مفهوم الشفافية ان كانت وثائق? رسائل بريد الكتروني? صور? مقاطع صوت او فيديو او حتى مواد تحمل دلالات على قصص معينة? لهدف المراجعة التحريرية.


اخر مشاريعنا
استغرقت قناة الجزيرة تسعة أشهر في التحقيق حول سبب وفاة ياسر عرفات التي لا تزال غامضة بعد أكثر من سبع سنوات.
اكبر تسريب للوثائق في تاريخ الصراع الفلسطيني الإسرائيلي
توثيق قضية فضيحة الكازينو الأردن قضية الكازينو في الأردن
هل لديك معلومات؟

تعرف على الأنماط المختلفة من المواد التي نتعامل معها ونقبلها في وحدة الجزيرة للشفافية (كشاف الجزيرة) بالإضافة الى الاحتياطات التي يمكنك اتخاذها لضمان امن اتصالاتك سواء كانت معنا او مع اي شخص اخر.

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